Adidas EVO SL
We created a concept around the three stripes, celebrating the number 3.
Morning Run: 3x3 Community Run
For the morning run we wanted to chalenge the normal “5km social run” and instead created a loop of 3km that we repeated 3 times. The goal was here to create a situation, where even runners that had only done 3km or 6km would feel how much easier it is to run a bit more in a group. We had a great success with several runners telling us that they completed their first 9km run.
Evening Event: Relay Racing
In the evening we invited 10 teams to participate in a relay race. Each team consisted of 3 runners that each did a laap of 400m á 3 times each. The fastest race team all won a pair of EVO SL.
Photography: Naked CPH
EVO SL activation